Blaring in a sentence as a noun

The huge, blaring point is that some person was flown across the country, probably took time off work, etc.

If the creator of this is listening, for Cthulhu's sake require some input from the user before blaring out sound at them.

For a single, simple reason -- I thought it was _extremely_ cool to be able to drive around with lights and sirens blaring, blasting through traffic.

And all his videos of his kid eating unhealthy stuff as though it has any significance at all make my quackdar start blaring.

I can only speak for myself but I like to listen to music because when I don't my mind starts blaring its own music at me from within.

Apparently quite a few local bands had moved their stuff into the garage, spray-painting the walls and keeping loud music blaring all night.

Blaring in a sentence as an adjective

Can we solve fatigue re: "prolonged exposure to blaring 24 hour news streams that fry sensibilities with their constant emotional appeals"?

I'm pretty sure it would require an extreme amount of subjectivity to find random noise blaring out of your speakers or drive-by trojan installs acceptable.

If there is a stall alarm blaring, I do not think any pilot would actually say "the stall alarm is on".So I do not think it too surprising that nobody mentioned stall in conversation.

Early in my career, I spent a lot of time in the hot/cold, blaring fan world of data centers -- sometimes late at night, when a hard drive failed or a switch's fans went out. Anyone that thinks that it's pleasant to spend time in a data center is insane; whether or not it makes sense in terms of cost was the answer I'd hoped to get from this article.

Technology has enabled things like loyalty cards, targeted marketing, individualized flyers in the mail, purchase-specific coupons on check-out, blaring videos through-out the store, etc. This marketing ******** may well be feeding itself.

Blaring definitions


a loud harsh or strident noise

See also: blare cacophony clamor


unpleasantly loud and penetrating; "the blaring noise of trumpets"; "shut our ears against the blasting music from his car radio"

See also: blasting