Bine in a sentence as a noun

I usually say "su-doe", not "su-doo"; "reg-ex", not "re-jex"; bin, not "bine"; and "lib", not "libe".

I agree, but closures and bine are expensive--present in both cases.

That seems to be a relatively common second way to pronounce it. I’ve watched a ton of aviation videos and I’d guess it’s 60/40 for tur-bine vs tur-bin

There's an untranslatable phrase to describe the concept, in my language: "decât să lucri de-a pula, mai bine stai de-a pula".Hope the moderators won't delete it, since it contains some profanity.

Bine definitions


European twining plant whose flowers are used chiefly to flavor malt liquors; cultivated in America