Recapitulate in a sentence as a verb

Anki is great to recapitulate what you already know.

Yeah you have to recapitulate some TCP semantics to use UDP effectively.

Then why is the modeling attempting to recapitulate biology?

If so that's why I called it a "regular URL", so as not to be confused with a URI; to recapitulate I'm referring to a mere link to a resource and not the resource as contained in a link.

Because they've also committed greater crimes we have to ignore the shoplifting?Or to recapitulate you'd nab a shoplifter but only if they'd not done something worse as well?Got to say I still don't follow the reasoning and still consider image hotlinking to be bad; and that, for a company, it indicates some sort of corruption.

Every man climbs and climbs and will keep climbing until climbing through the heavens themselves!These creatures contemplate their history and see it as either a line or a circle, but only the tiniest few have yet grasped that the path their race walks on is a spiral: turning endlessly around to recapitulate what came before, but always greater than ever before!

Recapitulate definitions


summarize briefly; "Let's recapitulate the main ideas"

See also: recap


repeat stages of evolutionary development during the embryonic phase of life


repeat an earlier theme of a composition

See also: reprise reprize repeat