Besides in a sentence as an adverb

And besides, if we dont do it, someone else will.' These are the lies that people tell themselves so that they can buy larger homes."

People and companies often picked up WebKit for their hardware platform without realizing how much stuff is there besides the renderer itself. As a result, they had to spend more time on porting the rest of the stack and were late to market.

But there are other less dramatic things they might be doing besides money laundering: using undocumented labor, for example.

If people are unwilling to pay reasonable prices up-front for games, how besides in-app purchases does a game company profit from their work? This is an honest question, because I also generally hate how IAP is integrated into most games.

Nothing came of it besides an unwanted "please call me" message from him, but it's not a far reach from there to actually being located physically and confronted. We sent this man to jail and changed our names to keep away from him, and Facebook, in spite of their "privacy" settings, let him get a glimpse back into our lives.

What's happening here, besides the echo-chamber effect, is that the implementation of the brute force ******* for this particular encrypt blob is clever. In a rush to applaud cleverness, Twitter seems to have lept to the conclusion that "clever attack" means "vulnerable target".

TrueTech hired Jonathan Kraij, a talented young designer to make that logo and it was featured in many places, magazines such as wave and many others besides in the late 90's. Not three weeks after one prominent bout of exposure the logo appeared in an advertising campaign by Sony the Netherlands.

However, in the immediately previous paragraph, he noted: > one employee spied on a spouse So much for automated analysis, besides not being able to filter out US citizens' data it can't even filter out an employee's direct family. But there's no need to worry citizen, the NSA has a very high-quality workforce.

Besides definitions


making an additional point; anyway; "I don't want to go to a restaurant; besides, we can't afford it"; "she couldn't shelter behind him all the time and in any case he wasn't always with her"


in addition; "he has a Mercedes, too"

See also: also likewise