Bemoan in a sentence as a verb

These players don't study the game, they just play it and often bemoan their bad luck.

But putting that tangent aside, I find those who bemoan Microsoft's dominance on desktop are using the wrong angle.

People frequently bemoan the glut of poorly skilled individuals who claim to have software engineering skills.

You compare the working conditions of the laborer in china with the laborer in the US and bemoan the conditions.

It's possible the Bay Area is the ultimate destination for much tech monetization - even US cities bemoan this.

For those about to bemoan the breaking of things like Google Analytics: this patch only blocks third party cookies from domains that the user has never visited before.

Should more be done to push people into in-state schools, where tuition is often orders of magnitude cheaper?The people in the article bemoan how easy it is to just sign these documents.

The author of the post is working nice hours a day so one can spend three hours with his daughter, it's a pretty big stretch to say he's "child-centered".You bemoan the lack of manners of today's youth.

You can either bemoan them all as unnatural monsters, or realise that these things are inherent to social interaction, and not a problem caused by techcnology.

How many times have you heard a friend or relative bemoan the loss of important photos or files because they didn't back up their computer?I assume that the eventual goal of bitcoin is to be accepted by the mainstream public.

When founders bemoan the "talent crisis", they are really complaining about the shortage of people who are excellent coders/marketeers/whatever but have naively optimistic expectations of what their equity will be worth.

Bemoan definitions


regret strongly; "I deplore this hostile action"; "we lamented the loss of benefits"

See also: deplore lament bewail