Belittling in a sentence as a noun

And I'm not belittling them...that's not their fault.

Maybe their boss is cruel and belittling, but they can't find another job.

It also sends a belittling and hostile message to any women who may be planning to attend.

"I think this is extremely belittling of Gabe and Valve, and games in general, and completely mistaken to boot.

As a one-liner, that sounds both ridiculous and belittling.

Can't you recognize the achievements of one without belittling the other in your flamebait title?Jobs: "We have to let go of a few things here.

Belittling in a sentence as an adjective

Supposing they just aren't trying hard enough or are succumbing to some crippling lack of self-faith is belittling and people will rightfully resent it.

One might say something intentionally belittling so as to win reinforcing praise from the other party, whether with regard to how a child never studies or how poorly the food is cooked.

It can be difficult to separate what's actually factually making you upset from the basal urge to express raw ire by cursing and belittling, but it becomes easier with practice.

Without belittling any tragedy, and with the obvious bias of being a firefighter, whilst trucking may be more deadly than being a firefighter, the situation you describe is largely in response to the fact that that person typically gave their life in order to try to save a stranger, or their home.

>Because while he was playing his little game, to "prove" that police profile peopleI infer from your belittling description of his activities as his "little game" and putting "prove" in skeptical quotes that you don't see the value in this particular piece of journalism and aren't swayed by the evidence presented therein.

It has nothing to do with "2 pounds isn't **** to pay for the experience of coffee" it is who are you to tell me what value i get from a 2 pound cup of coffeeIt seems pretty clear to me that this is not about the product being offered, but about the idea that selling your product by belittling the rewards from a different transaction of similar monetary value is utterly worthless.

Belittling definitions


a belittling comment

See also: denigration


the act of belittling


tending to diminish or disparage; "belittling comments"; "managed a deprecating smile at the compliment"; "deprecatory remarks about the book"; "a slighting remark"

See also: deprecating deprecative deprecatory depreciative depreciatory slighting