Belie in a sentence as a verb

I'm sure that's not the case, but the visuals seem to belie this.

There's code smells and slight variation in copy/paste blocks that belie the history of edits.

Some definitely belie the notion that code is written for humans.

How do you tell your kid to work hard so they can be anything they want to be, when you your own circumstances belie that assertion?

Google is still associated with "Do no Evil," but that's starting to wear a little thin as some of their actions belie the mantra.

The constant references to 'dead paper' belie the denials that Mr. Godin is not anti-book.

Unfortunately, that isn't a sentence: "jejune" is an adjective, not a noun; "belie" is a verb, not a noun; "inculcate" takes an indirect object with "in", not a direct object.

The wealth of specialized chips in a modern smartphone, from audio decoding to cell signal handling to graphics acceleration, would seem to belie that supposed assumption.

To claim that your system, above others, will achieve a system that brings about permanent fairness is to belie a shallow consideration for how power accumulates.

Is Corn a GM food or still "natural" because we just used selective pressure and chose what populations of maize was able to continue to the next iteration?To be honest the Sturm und Drang over GM foods while seeminly well meaning seems to belie similarities to the climate change deniers.

Belie definitions


be in contradiction with

See also: contradict negate


represent falsely; "This statement misrepresents my intentions"

See also: misrepresent