Beekeeper in a sentence as a noun

The beekeeper comes along and takes it, then feeds the bees sugar syrup in the winter.

Reply from a beekeeper friend of mine in Atlanta, in response to the above.

You can avoid beestings by always wearing a beekeeper's outfit.

If you want honey, buy unfiltered, unheated honey, from a beekeeper you know.

Can you share some examples of programming that you did that the average beekeeper wouldn't think of?

Watched a video of a beekeeper complaining that the colour will affect sales negatively.

If you want honey and are concerned about the bees, buy from a beekeeper using Warr topbar hives, doing a surplus harvest.

Interesting post by a redditor about the bee collapse:---------------Ok, beekeeper, non-vegan here.

Raising queens is indeed done commercially by specialized beekeepers, but if you're already a beekeeper, it is not hard to do or learn.

Beekeeper definitions


a farmer who keeps bees for their honey

See also: apiarist apiculturist