Apiarist in a sentence as a noun

Many apiarists have multiple hives and a group of 10 hives could fill the grocery's honey section in September.

As a hobby apiarist myself, the influx of varroa mites has wreaked havoc on my bee colonies.

If you are building a bike shed at an apiarist's house the color of the shed does matter as some colors effect bees differently.

But then those queens would have negotiating power, and the ability to switch apiarists to get the best price for their honey.

One trick I learned working with non-volatile hazardous material is apiarist suits.

I would argue that we, humans, as mathematicians, carpenters and apiarists have worked together with the bees resulting in a net gain in honey over time.

Apiarist definitions


a farmer who keeps bees for their honey

See also: beekeeper apiculturist