Beating in a sentence as a noun

My heart was beating like crazy the entire time.

I'm not sure how this is different to much of the chest beating I'd see on Fox News.

I am very glad to see that people are following what I did and have succeeded in beating me.

Japan used to look unstoppable in the same way that China looks world-beating to many people now.

This story doesn't mention that Spamhaus is protected by CloudFlare and we took a beating from this attack.

And yet any essay that discusses the incentive structure of science but doesn't use the word "grant" until the last sentence is beating around the bush.

A public statement like that probably means that both Lockheed and Boeing have been beating up on SpaceX as "risky" behind closed doors for a while.

Those female premeds are almost certainly more interested in working with patients than in beating their chest and bragging about how they got into a good med school.

These messages occurred at about the same time we saw everyone getting hammered over credit-card debt, and heard the Republicans chest-beating over sound fiscal policy.

Which resulted in the cop kicking the door out of his hands and beating my cousin so bad he had to be taken to hospital with a broken jaw, and swelling so bad he couldn't open his eyes.

Beating definitions


the act of overcoming or outdoing

See also: whipping


the act of inflicting corporal punishment with repeated blows

See also: thrashing licking drubbing lacing trouncing whacking