Barbarism in a sentence as a noun

That's right; it was this or barbarism. Yeah, I hope it helps you sleep at night too, jerk.

I think in the future people who look at china's one child policy as barbarism will change their mind.

For others, what you would call civil discourse is full of barbarism, small mindedness, and offense.

1909 was the high point of human civilisation, before barbarism and ugliness took hold. Also, not covering Freud, Nietzsche & Marx was no mistake: this is a collection of lessons to learn, not lessons to learn from.

Condemning people for barbarism is a subtler form of separation, of saying "those people are not us." But they are, just as we're growing as a species and society to be aware of non-human awareness.

I'm sure our chemotherapy of today will sound like primitive barbarism tomorrow.

I detest Hitler precisely because he does not share my faith in the German people; he has decided that to undo 1918, the only possible lesson is barbarism; the best incentive, concentration camps&;&." "Things are much worse in Russia, I hear people say.

Given a choice between better sexting apps and barbarism, it's not even a real choice. One is clearly a significantly negative-sum game, and the other is neutral to mildly positive.

Much of the concepts and frame around civilization is in relation to barbarism and keeping order, of Rule of Law trumping Rule of Power, of fairness and equality. These notions are at the end of life, and we need to be reaching for something better.

Traditional values" are no excuse for misogyny and barbarism. Tradition is close to the literal opposite of social progress and I don't understand why it is glorified.

Revenge is barbaric, and granted some degree of barbarism simply exists within all of us, some more than others. The court system shouldn't be based around barbarism, and the american use of "justice" really is just a synonym for revenge.

When people block Google busses, and break one window of one bus, it's inappropriate violence on par with barbarism [1]. When people peacefully protest a Google employee and try to raise awareness in his neighborhood of his activities that they disagree with, it's individual harassment.

When California released a similar database a few years ago, it completely convinced me of the horrific barbarism that capital punishment is. It is no deterrent to crime, and the risk of killing not just innocent people, but genuinely reformed people, is far, far too great.

Dawkins devotes a lot of time to this idea, and it seems to me this idea goes directly against the interpretation that so many people want to ascribe to Dawkins: "it risks creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of barbarism". I suspect that a lot of people who criticize Dawkins have never actually read Dawkins.

What has happened in the Western world is that, while we may have toned down the medieval barbarism, the structures and social machinations that build up our society, are profoundly sick and volatile on so many layers, both implicitly and explicitly, like never before. That said, there will always be time to spend looking under the microscope.

Their government are an evil, theocratic, messianic cult who care nothing about their people but do care about promoting barbarism internally and terrorism externally to further their dispicable agenda. There are few more evil governments on the planet right now.

Essentially every religious practice is someone else's barbarism. Is there any other meaning to "barbaric ritual" than "religious ceremony I find distasteful"?

The 20th century is evidence enough that man is capable of resorting to the worst possible barbarism without invoking deities as justification, plenty of other excuses are readily available. Going by death count, political purges in officially atheist communist nations took the cake...

To paraphrase someone else, when planet-bound civilizations fall to barbarism, people revert to agrarian societies; when space-based habitats fall to barbarism, everybody dies. The difference being that maintaining a habitat takes a lot of technology that is constantly kept in working order.

Since Dawkins became fashionable, it is now normal to portray human beings as nothing more than meat-based mechanisms for storing and transporting DNA. This idea is dangerously embedded in society now, and it risks creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of barbarism. What possible motivation does one have for behaving in a manner other than that of an animal, if society is telling me that I cannot do so, and that any internal experience I might have of doing so is an illusion?

People are comforted by the thought that modern medicine has completely transcended the barbarity of its own past, but doctors are humans and, on average, are subject to the same kinds of irrationality as everyone else is, and if you're unlucky enough to have to get up close to modern medicine and if you pay attention, you'll see the barbarism very clearly.

Barbarism definitions


a brutal barbarous savage act

See also: brutality barbarity savagery