Balancer in a sentence as a noun

The load balancer will probably fall over if the backend servers don't do so first.

We started on EC2, two instances over a load balancer.

As a word of advice -- you are almost certainly wasting your time writing a load balancer.

The web server or load balancer can send those redirects really fast and it doesn't take much bandwidth either.

It costs you an extra load balancer layer with according overhead.

Load balancers generally don't offer as much mitigation against DDoS as you think.

Shared state is now reduced to having the front end load balancers know which second layer load balancers are the currently active ones for each type of backend.

Hah, when they say "only a handful of vendors" that includes load balancer vendors like F5 and A10, which truckloads of ecommerce sites rely on for ssl offload.

It turned out that one of their product areas was behind a round-robin load balancer, with three completely different apache versions on each server.

[1][2]One thing that always surprises me is seeing configurations where Nginx is merely a proxy or load balancer into a bunch of Apache instances.

How do i update the load balancer as i add capacity to my web app, how do i setup a new db instance and open up the firewall rules to an app on a different host.

Ironically, this highlights one of the main issues we discuss in the post!The Twilio Engineering blog is hosted off an external Wordpress site with a single IP that's forwarded from ngnix load balancer pool.

Balancer definitions


an acrobat who balances himself in difficult positions


either of the rudimentary hind wings of dipterous insects; used for maintaining equilibrium during flight

See also: halter haltere