Bagel in a sentence as a noun

" The same donuts and bagels are still at Google.

I make my way downstairs, and grab a bagel.

The guys who used to have the cheap bagel and coffee trucks now sell cupcakes instead.

A plain bagel has about as many calories as a 7 oz new york strip.

> It is much more fun to put cream cheese on these bagels than on an ordinary bagel.

There are minds out there that are to mine as the entire city of New York is to a house brick and half a bagel.

"The Friday morning bagel or donut supplies also were curtailed.

I don't make offers and counter offers on each bagel I buy; I just look at the sign and accept the price or leave without a bagel.

That, I suppose, is the advantage of being the only convenient place that serves both cucumber and capers with their lox bagel.

It's the same technique as in the article, but the knife needs to rotate at the half of its angular speed as it goes along bagel's diameter.

While its an imperfect analogy it is sort of like having an image of the Virgin Mary appear on the toasted side of a bagel.

So people would be ingenious about palming a bagel so the camera wouldn't see, and think that if the camera's not seeing it, they're home free.

In the opposite lane, on a narrow road, was a young woman who, while driving, was trying to put cream cheese onto her bagel, so she could enjoy eating it while driving.

I could create a landing page for my web site that will interface with your toaster through a public API, and allow you to remotely prepare a bagel whenever you want it.

Neat, but academic, because as everyone undoubtedly knows slicing bagel into a Mobius strip is far more practical.

Oh, and I'd take the 10% raise which was more like a 15-20% raise after all was said and done, based on total compensation + bonus factored in over 30 feet of additional bagel proximity any day.

In return, I'd like to be able to ride my bicycle on the edge - indeed, the very fringe - of those magnificent roads that I paid for without getting run down by some low-life eating a breakfast bagel and talking on his cell phone while driving.

There is a lot of wordage in that article dedicated to describing things other than rising rent that is bothering the "natives".One example:""Your whole social world is tech," Garcia, 37, said as he finished a bagel sandwich at the Creamery, a cafe at Fourth and Townsend that's a hotbed of tech deal making.

Bagel definitions


(Yiddish) glazed yeast-raised doughnut-shaped roll with hard crust

See also: beigel