Awaken in a sentence as a verb

How do I awaken to the realm each morning, doe-eyed and blissful to learn new secrets?

Specially now when Satoshi awaken himself for the first time in 2 years.

To counter his point, we laid low for the Patriot Act and the masses didn't suddenly awaken.

I had my place burglarized some years back and I never felt safe again in the place. I suffered many sleepless nights and would awaken at any sound.

Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens.

One hopes it causes the entire judiciary to awaken to this dark scourge of extortion through the courts.

He was the first to awaken me to this cultural deviance and I've been stuck with seeing it everywhere ever since.

Another possibility is using them in phones so that the main, power-hungry chip could go to sleep leaving a chip like this to monitor inputs and awaken the phone if needed.

Extraordinary insight and creativity, rich, vivid, inspired and out-of-the-box thinking, are typical for "twilight" states, when you're floating between waking state and sleep; not fully awaken to the outside world, but not fully unconscious either.

Right or wrong, we should all take a moment to consider the irony that people are now writing stuff like this:"If {language} lost some of it's edge compared to an {other language} based platform, it's because people have awaken from the hype dream they were living in, as they should have never have used it for that job anyway.

And how much waste do we all incur because of these indignant ***** who insist that everyone must awaken simultaneously, get in our cars simultaneously, choke the streets and freeways simultaneously, line up at Starbucks simultaneously, arrive at our jobs simultaneously, etc. etc. etc. I dare anyone to try and design a worse system.

Awaken definitions


cause to become awake or conscious; "He was roused by the drunken men in the street"; "Please wake me at 6 AM."

See also: wake waken rouse arouse


stop sleeping; "She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock"

See also: awake arouse wake waken


make aware; "They were awakened to the sad facts"