Autocracy in a sentence as a noun

I think his point is that most of us do not live in a religious autocracy.

It reads far more like an autocracy to me. On the other hand, look at the rest of the industrialized world.

Monarchy, autocracy, and tyranny have been around a lot longer than 2500 years. don't we still have those, too?

Of course there is corruption, autocracy and alcoholism. It is there for several hundreds of years, and we have to deal with that.

We present a "democracy," but the two-party system is a thinly veiled autocracy.

You have just articulated the principle problem with autocracy, be it by man or machine, succinctly.

While clearly not democratic, Hong Kong for example, is most definitely not an autocracy.

Culturally, Chez JJ is an autocracy, but a mellow one. Usually, everyone just does what's needed to be done, but there is someone who will give orders if needed, and you can even be fired in extreme cases.

The world survived the times when chattel slavery, autocracy, de jure religious prosecutions were the norm, too. That doesn't mean that those things are good, or even no worse than the features of the modern developed world that have replaced them.

2: also, countries are more likely to transition from autocracy to democracy than the other way round, which also helps democracy win.

It's cute to watch an sliding-into-autocracy government trying to implement internet censorship without the infrastructure. Mr. Erdogan, call Cisco, see if you can get a discount on the China Package.

Yes, surveillance and effectively autocracy is older than technology, but with how the marriage is going lately, it's very much our concern. It's not like any of this would be possible without engineers and mathematicians who made it so.

Elitism and autocracy that go against what Joe Public thinks are needed. If everything was direct, we'd be living in a bankrupt theocracy sending the poor and minorities to gas chambers while enriching the popular and well connected.

More like ideological autocracy, which is great if you agree 100% with both the ideology and strategy of the revolutionary vanguard, not so much otherwise.

To decide that people are too stupid and clumsy to be allowed the luxury of driving so let's just have car companies, insurance companies and Google decide what's in their best interests, is essentially a well meaning but potentially pernicious form of autocracy. Pun intended.

In practice it's a system that is typically unstable and rapidly degenerates into simple autocracy or oligarchy.

[edit] To clarify, consider a hypothetical total autocracy, where the autocrat makes a decision, and everyone's behavior is altered by various means. By my reasoning, the autocrat has collected everyone's agency to themself.

I don't want to stay citizen of a country that I don't agree with the actions of its population, the government is only a reflection of the local population, maybe with the exception of extreme cases of autocracy. Fifth, after I amass enough power, I plan in engaging in politics in a active manner, whatever manner is needed at the time, and where I am.

While your argument is defensible, I think characterizing the NK autocracy as a natural progression of pre-occupation Korea is misleading and perhaps unfair. It's important to remember that at the time of the NK invasion in 1950, Korea had only recently been freed from the 35-year Japanese occupation in which the Japanese actively sought to eradicate Korean culture.

Indeed, it could be argued that the democracy that we have is a thin veneer that hides the autocracy instead. Certainly, in the UK, the unelected civil service wields a huge amount of power, and whilst they do answer to elected officials, and do have to implement the policies of the ruling party, in reality they have a huge amount of freedom on those matters not explicitly laid out in policy, and can lobby ministers very effectively to get what they want.

Others include lottery, kleptocracy, autocracy, social-welfare state, theocracy, anarchy, communism, socialism, despotism.

Autocracy definitions


a political system governed by a single individual

See also: autarchy


a political theory favoring unlimited authority by a single individual