Auction in a sentence as a noun

I wonder if they'll auction off the server? Fun fact.

Ever wonder if that annoying gnome in the auction hall is jumping in morse code? Could signals be sent with bids?

In college I was hired to build an auction site. I was billing my client $20 / hour and subcontracting out the work to some of my fellow classmates at $10 / hour.

A true "amateur to amateur" auction type sales website is an area begging for competition...

When I was in my early 20s I came across a charity auction for "Lunch with Woz". As a "top ramen entrepreneur" at the time, I had no chance of winning but I contacted Woz's assistant via the website.

The auction model for ads basically ruins internet searches in transactional categories. If you want to win at the "italian restaurant" search game, you have to bid the highest for the ad, which means you must have the highest margin.

In the English speaking nations, it became common, by the 1800s, to finance growth by offering equity for sale at public auction. The continental nations developed along different lines -- banks played a larger role.

Auction in a sentence as a verb

Ideally, the worst thing a buyer should be able to do is not pay, in which case the seller just has to start over and re-list the item in a new auction. It seems like the problem here isn't a lack of buyer feedback so much as a lack of due process for chargebacks, which ends up enabling fraud.

Maybe add a Facebook classified ads service, document sharing service, auction site, shopping e-store for its members that takes a small commission. Whatever other companies did, just copy it and add it on Facebook and watch users instantly abandon competitors.

Not to mention that our ads aren't just a straight auction; we try to take into account things like the quality of the destination page in deciding whether and where to show ads, just like we do with web search results.

Scammers, confusing auction settings, limited integration with paypal despite owning them, terrible invoice generation, image uploads that don't work without Flash, etc. I despise eBay. That being said, I'm surprised nobody mentioned selling on Amazon.

Mr. Thompson served as President of PayPal, a division of eBay, Inc., an internet auction and shopping company, from January 2008 until January 2012. [clipped prior jobs out] Mr. Thompson holds a Bachelors degree in accounting and computer science from Stonehill College.

Since there will no doubt be a lot of the predictable complaint that this gives an advantage to the kids of people rich enough to buy it, I want to make it clear that this auction is to fund scholarships to the Bing nursery school. Since going to Bing helps kids a lot more than going to a YC dinner would, it's a net win for parents with less money. We knew when we decided to offer this item for auction that people would give us grief about it.

37Signals did not answer a single question posted to the auction. It's no surprise nobody bid. Actually, someone did bid but nobody at 37Signals approved it, so the bid expired. You have to wonder why they spent money listing it at all; and, since the auction was essentially abandoned, whether they would've honored a sale if someone had offered the asking price.

Quote Examples using Auction

It was great, until I found the auction house. Within a few days, I had enough gear to handle most everything in the game and after a week or two I had a max-leveled character of each class. What was left to do? I hit the level cap, and even though they eventually came out with a second cap, the idea of grinding made no sense when the auction house existed. The most practical thing to do was trade and that got so boring so quick :/. The design choices that Blizzard made as a direct result of the auction house are both terrifying and a fantastic lesson for anyone in the startup world. As a direct result of making money off of the activities of people in the game, Blizzard made the following game inhibiting decisions: * Penalizing players for dying for longer and longer periods of time * Limiting in-game communication systems severely * Penalizing players for playing in groups I could go on, but the bottom line was this: Activision put profit over gameplay and burned one of the best franchises in the history of gaming for little profit. The game was absolutely atrocious as a direct result of the goddamn auction house. It took my favorite game and turned it into a stock simulator. What made Diablo great was the camaraderie, the lack of a driving arching focus on optimization/monetization, and an amazing community of folks. Diablo 3 tried to turn all of that into money and it sucked. Thank god and good riddance to that rubbish auction house.


Auction definitions


a variety of bridge in which tricks made in excess of the contract are scored toward game; now generally superseded by contract bridge


the public sale of something to the highest bidder

See also: vendue


sell at an auction

See also: auctioneer