Attitude in a sentence as a noun

A good ol' "it's non of my business" attitude.

Four words, such a concise summary of my attitude!

They're not wrong, but the basic attitude is to shoot down what doesn't seem to fit with one's own view of the world.

The continuing attempt at justifying the attitude is a bad, bad sign.

It should have been open from the start, Dustin's elitist attitude got in the way and I think it's only a matter of time before Svbtle dies.

It doesn't have to hold you back - your attitude has to convince a potential employer that your background makes you a great candidate, not a worse one.

Until someone or something completely outside my control ****** it up. Then I took my positive attitude and moved on to my next "last place to work".Kinda makes a difference if it's your company, huh?

Or a PHP programmer saying "associative arrays, ugh".I think this attitude comes from a similar place as JavaScript-hate.

If Smalltalkers really believe their environment is the right way to code, their attitude should not be one of "we did this first, meh" but instead be "here's what we did right, here's what we did wrong.

As a progressive younger person who has been swimming in internet culture for 15 years now, I find my attitude, wants, needs, and desires are almost completely left out of pop culture.

I think coming into the tech world with the attitude that men need to be stood up to and knocked down is just going to come across to many of us as the same bullying attitude we grew up with.

Most teachers try to keep tabs on their students on a personal level, especially when they behavior or attitude noticeably changes, but not all students open up.

However, teaching evaluations dont just measure your ability to give good lectures; they are holistic--meaning, they also measure intangibles, such as the professor's willingness to help students, or his attitude.

Only difference I can see is the source of the money, so are you against the idea of companies letting their devs work on open source?There's this attitude in the open source world that somehow developers getting directly paid for open source is evil.

> The problem, as with white geeks, is that Asian-Americans disproportionately aren't learning how to bs, how to promote themselves and their productsActually it is the attitude like this -- the attitude that equates self-promotion with ******** -- that causes problems for people with an engineering mindset.

Attitude definitions


a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways; "he had the attitude that work was fun"


the arrangement of the body and its limbs; "he assumed an attitude of surrender"

See also: position posture


a theatrical pose created for effect; "the actor struck just the right attitude"


position of aircraft or spacecraft relative to a frame of reference (the horizon or direction of motion)