Atmosphere in a sentence as a noun

Mars has features that extend beyond the atmosphere.

Like, "but I love this dorm-room atmosphere, and when I get stressed out I can go play foosball in the corner".

The good and cheerful atmosphere at freshman speeches is something you should be proud of.

You'll earn respect from both parties, and you'll breed a more productive atmosphere which can only benefit you in the long term.

I'm building a dense network of atmosphere sensors using smartphones in order to build a more accurate weather model [1].

As absurd as it sounds now, the atmosphere in the office made me feel I was part of something special, I was doing my part, and I was going to anything I could to keep up my part.

For the opening shot of Armageddon with the astroid hitting earth I used 20,000 point lights to represent secondary debris reentering the atmosphere.

"Couching something in mainly competitive terms does not just advertise that it's competitive, it also hints that there's a sort of pissing contest atmosphere at work.

Customers respond with responses ranging from things like "cheaper coffee lol" to "I really like the atmosphere but I get frustrated because sometimes there isn't anywhere to sit!"3.

How confidently can we measure water vapor in atmosphere?Simply, much more technical information and more educational.

Using the different azimuths from the GPS constellation you can even build up a 3d representation of the water content on different layers of the atmosphere.

To make another analogy a well done dish at a nice restaurant isn't usually innovative, it just takes the best of breed components and presents them well in a good atmosphere with good service.

The locker-room atmosphere that stuff like this creates is a huge barrier to entry for a lot of people, women especially, who infer that on top of all the technically difficult stuff that everyone has to learn to be CS types, they'll also have to deal with a constant barrage of "you're not our kind" flung at them by the in-group.

Atmosphere definitions


a particular environment or surrounding influence; "there was an atmosphere of excitement"

See also: ambiance ambience


a unit of pressure: the pressure that will support a column of mercury 760 mm high at sea level and 0 degrees centigrade


the mass of air surrounding the Earth; "there was great heat as the comet entered the atmosphere"; "it was exposed to the air"


the weather or climate at some place; "the atmosphere was thick with fog"


the envelope of gases surrounding any celestial body


a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing; "an air of mystery"; "the house had a neglected air"; "an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters"; "the place had an aura of romance"

See also: aura