Astonish in a sentence as a verb

People's reactions to the cold always astonish me. I spend a lot of time in Canada and Hong Kong.

It has astonished me how much code people can crank out. It does not astonish me that they spend most of their time maintaining things they've written.

Why would it "astonish" you? There's probably a sound business reason behind it.

This will gratify some and astonish others. -- Mark Twain Practise random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.

I don't doubt the WHO's overall estimate; just pointing out a contrast -- both between regions and in what numbers astonish people.

What really astonish me is they sometimes give me straight up malvertising fake domains, like “general--info. xyz” second or third from topmost these days!

It never ceases to astonish me how people who throw around the terms "logic" and "rational thought" really, reeeeeally don't know how to deploy either.

The level of incompetence among music executives continues to astonish me. If you don't want to sell it to me, why the **** sue people for getting it from somebody else for free?

The number of comments supporting Dropbox in this thread astonish me. It seems like people think that such "engineering" mistakes are acceptable in the software/web industry.

It always astonish me to think it can be seen as normal, even more equitable, to require people to get so huge debts before even being trained to work.

You astonish me. Is it hypocrisy to suggest that the punishment for maiming or ******, with the vilest of malice aforethought, should be judicial execution?

Comments such as these never cease to astonish me; I'm not sure what musicians/artists have done to warrant your unremitting contempt, but it is that which oozes out of every statement you make. - "People who are creative can stil create things as much as they like": no, they are constrained by their budget and time.

It would astonish me if some details of the plan hadn't been leaked to the EU - the Greeks would want them to know about it. Varoufakis's resignation/sacking was beautifully timed to setup the idea that the Greeks would make some concessions, but couldn't be pushed much further.

I say, the lengths people go to justify a trite thought-terminating cliché don't fail to astonish me. If the mere possibility than a service you use might in the future have ads is sufficient to justify the phrase "you are the product", then I don't see how anything can be an exception to that.

But people who've seen 10000 companies can appreciate a range of patterns that would astonish someone who's only seen 100. There are investors who focus on just one kind of company or founder, which is reasonable for part-time investors who want to leverage their particular experience.

Some of these may astonish you - a windowing system, a FTP client, an SSH server, an authentication agent... Overall, the system is much simpler than PSDrive - PSDrive providers are full-fledged .

It's like a complex and exquisite ballet really, with suppliers, manufacturers, producers and designers all coming together to make extraordinary products that astonish the world. Ah, I love engineering.

It does astonish me how poorly people understand different in _magnitude_ between offences and how quickly we get into whataboutism. >If a similarly dangerous flu mutation jumps from a pig to an undocumented agricultural worker in the United States, and goes viral across the globe, will you also refer to that as 'unleashing a pandemic'?

Looking from this point of view, the hardware and software protocols are correctly assigned, everything is perfectly predictable and normal, and therefore this setup should surprise or astonish no one. At the same time, I have a different point: this approach is definitely NOT in my personal catalogue of ways in which modern shells are interfaced with nowadays. Using an antique VT220 over a breadboard serial adapter is a unique hack, rather than something used every day, and therefore this setup is perfectly capable of surprising and astonishing people.

Astonish definitions


affect with wonder; "Your ability to speak six languages amazes me!"

See also: amaze astound