Gratify in a sentence as a verb

This doesn't really belong on Hacker News, as this is not news, nor does it "gratify curiosity.

It's good to have a take on this subject that really does gratify the intellectual curiosity.

You know what doesn't gratify my intellectual curiosity?

Do credit card dumps gratify one's intellectual curiosity?

It does not gratify my intelectual curiosity, to paraphrase the guidelines.

Without web fonts you never have to deal with the world's worst typography, your pages load faster etc etc...Are we putting up with a worse user experience to gratify some self-absorbed designers?

The grand gesture, the moment of choice, the mortal danger, the external foe, the climactic battle whose outcome resolves all--all designed to appear heroic, to excite and gratify and audience.

Any articles that gratify intellectual curiosity are on topic.

As it stands, this story is little more than "large underground aquifers exist" which is unlikely to gratify anyone's intellectual curiosity any more than "large deposits of coal exist".

On the one hand, it is in some sense a "new thing" and it affects the community; on the other hand it does not particularly gratify anyone's intellectual curiosity to be linked to that status page.

I, for one, fail to see how this would gratify anyone's intellectual curiosity [0].This article details facts that are uncontroversial and already covered in the original article.

Are comments with the highest number of upvotes after the change usually helpful, thoughtful comments, or flippant comments that don't gratify intellectual curiosity?Over the next few days, it should be possible to look at some highly upvoted examples.

I like this quote "But reasonable people still respond better to writing that values their time, and doesn’t waste it to gratify the writer’s pretensions".Sadly the author doesn't take his own advice and regales the reader with about 6 paragraphs of text before getting to the point.

Gratify definitions


make happy or satisfied

See also: satisfy


yield (to); give satisfaction to

See also: pander indulge