Artistic in a sentence as an adjective

Then I'll have total artistic freedom to serve the food the way it should be made!

There are social events, artistic events, clubs, contests, etc.

These constraints do not limit the artistic expression of the instrument – they assist it.

I also highly recommend John Gurney's books on painting or artistic color usage.

Death threats and rape threats are not responses from being concerned about unfettered artistic expression.

For a person without a single artistic bone in his body this pretty much amounts to magic no matter how simple it looks.

And they dovetail rather nicely with the artistic color models used in the past by painters and photographers.

This is not just artistic preciousness, it is a key part of a very well-tested business model.

Freedom of artistic expression is not a major part of the current online discussion being reported on.

They became popular because of artistic/aesthetic value and web culture.

If your project is personal, artistic, free or otherwise non-commercial please don't request a commercial key.

It's certainly not very artistic... But it does a great job of explaining at a single glance what exactly this project does and where it fits in a software pipeline.

Is it possible to quantify that sort of emergent complexity that happens in life, or in a work or story with artistic direction that takes on a life of its own?

One thing that always surprises me is how many people take offense to the suggestion to make their software/websites more accessible, as if it's trampling on their artistic freedom.

It's like because there's an artistic element this or it's pure-web tech the appreciation of a cool hack and interesting exploration of a technology is completely gone.

So the challenge of programming Scala turns from the challenge of simply expressing your artistic ideas with your chosen instrument into keeping yourself in line without those helpful constraints.

This obviously has larger cultural and political implications and thus the PirateBox also serves as an artistic provocation.

The next generation made gifs because "making gifs is what clever artistic people do on the internet".It's always been easy to create a looped animation format that combines the feature list above with a better compression scheme.

Others before him have used software as a tool in their artistic process, but to my knowledge no one has ever taken coding as the subject of a performance art so intricate and beautiful as the character whytheluckystiff.

I sacrificed socialization in exchange for raw academic performance, and found myself unable to connect with the people around me. I was making six figures out of college, but had nothing to spend it on, save gadgetry and fast machines - tools that allowed to bury myself in a world where I wasn't a mostly socially-******** 20-something that had stunted social skills, no artistic or creative inclinations, no hobbies, and a circle consisting mostly of equally lost young professionals like myself.

This gets at my major frustration with this presentation, which is that to present serialism as merely a fun and basically arbitrary means of constraining your artistic output is deeply hostile to the reasons for why the technique was developed and the music that people made with it.

The art qua art crowd are welcome to their signalling parties and occasional strokes of insight, and I'm welcome to think the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer was really rather artistic, and by and large we two need not even cross paths to growl and yip at each other like two little teacup poodles viciously defending their turf on the matter of whose definition of art is correct.

Artistic definitions


relating to or characteristic of art or artists; "his artistic background"


satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities; "artistic workmanship"


aesthetically pleasing; "an artistic flower arrangement"

See also: aesthetic esthetic