Aromatic in a sentence as an adjective

Now, how about a nice black tea with some aromatic hops for finish.

I guess it's not a single big aromatic system, right?

Roasting can be more fun and aromatic than making coffee.

Something they can roll past these lines, filled with premade sandwiches or aromatic burritos.

So so many organic compounds, inside and outside the human body, contain aromatic rings.

Are we talking plant-based alkaloids, aromatic hydrocarbons, or what?

Bacon is high in umami, it's crisp, the chocolate provides the sweet and bitter flavors, and the mint contains tons of aromatic molecules.

If you made an ink uniquely sensitive to the volatile aromatic compounds in hot pizza there'd be a domino's box on the front cover of Nature

I've seen talks where people have hand-optimized feature sets to include things like "there's an aromatic ring pointing at us from 5 angstrom away" that a simple function + cutoff might miss.

It might not be the nicotine, but the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons produced by burning, which are broad-spectrum venoms.

At first seems more hygienic but on second thought, it might make it extra-aromatic when depositing bodily excretions into the hot water.

Because property owners in this magical world always win when a third party dumps polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons into their well.

Also, given that they only chose one day on which to sample, it could be something as kooky as Catholics eating fish on a Friday and being regularly exposed to aromatic hydrocarbons from incense.

[6] The double bond between the 8-position and the aromatic ring, being conjugated with the indole ring, is susceptible to nucleophilic attacks by water or alcohol, especially in the presence of light.

Doesn't much of the "mouth physics and chemistry" depend on the ingredient selection?>"bacon is high in umami, it's crisp, the chocolate provides the sweet and bitter flavors, and the mint contains tons of aromatic molecules.

The Antillean refugee Jeremiah de Saint-Amour, disabled war veteran, photographer of children, and his most sympathetic opponent in chess, had escaped the torments of memory with the aromatic fumes of gold cyanide.

Aromatic definitions


(chemistry) of or relating to or containing one or more benzene rings; "an aromatic organic compound"


having a strong pleasant odor; "the pine woods were more redolent"- Jean Stafford

See also: redolent