Armoury in a sentence as a noun

They are locked up in the basement or at the armoury.

The Koreans were very keen to point out the size of the armoury and guns on board the ship.

Based on their spelling of “armoury” they don’t seem to be American.

[...] If you don't have any patents, you don't have any weapons in your armoury.

> I see it as being like walking into an armoury and being able to choose anything you want.

I suspect you've exhausted your rhetorical armoury by now.

I see procedural generation as a tool in a designer's armoury, not a replacement.

After a foray into C++-ish C++ I also write fairly C-ish C++.I see it as being like walking into an armoury and being able to choose anything you want.

My armoury* Facebook disconnect. \n* Google disconnect. \n* Ghostery \n* Privoxy \n* Self Destructing Cookies\n* No-ScriptI wouldn't be so concerned about the ads themselves if they didn't flash, jump about, get in the way of text, harvest my likes, cross harvest my interests, get hijacked and infect my machine, steal my battery life by being animated etc. etc.

Ripley expended virtually all of her ammunition on this task, not reserving any to cover her retreat, and she apparently did not bother packing a spare magazine despite being given the resources of a fully-stocked armoury when she was preparing to go get Newt.

Cannons, airplanes, they can manufacture in large quantities; but how are they to quell the natural promptings of human nature, which after all these centuries of trial and progress has inherited a whole armoury of potent and indestructible knowledge?Dictatorship - the fetish worship of one man - is a passing phase.

Armoury definitions


a collection of resources; "he dipped into his intellectual armory to find an answer"

See also: armory inventory


all the weapons and equipment that a country has

See also: arsenal armory


a military structure where arms and ammunition and other military equipment are stored and training is given in the use of arms

See also: arsenal armory


a place where arms are manufactured

See also: armory arsenal