Approve in a sentence as a verb

" Old title was "FCC approves plan to allow for paid priority on Internet.

Or why has Congress been willing to approve this program on multiple occasions?

Some of the best corp dev guys I know have the worst grammar and email manners and to focus on that as a weakness is long as they can approve a wire transfer, who cares?

"And while you're busy learning the basics, we'll just wait until you release something so we can publicly ridicule you on Twitter because you did something we don't approve of.

While I don't really approve of the anti-sourceforge attitude, I do understand it; when SF had essentially a monopoly on open source project storage, they chose to milk it and rest on their laurels rather than improve themselves.

But that didn't solve it for everybody; another person just now commented:I wanted to read, but I got this thing saying I need to approve an app called Quora - an app which "may post on my behalf" - which seems like a rather large presumption for an app to take.

He asks the DoD to give him options for doing more in Syria, no doubt already knowing that all the options would be high on cost and low on effectiveness and that he won't approve any of the options; but just by making public that he asked for the options he will please some voters.

]Just imagine if a PhD candidate wasn't required to do a literature survey as part of her dissertation work, but instead her advisor and thesis committee were required to approve her degree unless they and their TAs could affirmatively demonstrate that her research was insufficiently novel.

Approve definitions


give sanction to; "I approve of his educational policies"

See also: O.K. okay sanction


judge to be right or commendable; think well of