Dissertation in a sentence as a noun

One could make an entire PoliSci dissertation out of your comment.

I wrote the paper and dissertation this work was based on, and I'm happy to answer any questions people might have.

If you mention the "butterfly effect" they engage in a dissertation.

"Hacking" -- as both Paul Graham and much of my dissertation argues -- isn't a purely scientific discipline.

A lecturer had his PhD dissertation published by its subtitle because by accident it vanished during the title.

In my philosophy PhD dissertation I criticized works that were 10-16 years old, and even older if you count how long they took to be published.

At that time Robin Seggelmann wasn't employed by T-Systems but was instead writing his dissertation at the University of Duisburg-Essen [1].

There is no more evangelical advocate for your company than the customer you email to say "Yes, you intentionally deleted this file six weeks ago. The 30 day deletion deadline has passed, but I have managed to restore the most recent version of your dissertation.

* His dissertation [2] actually gives an explanation for the payload:"The payload of the HeartbeatRequest can be chosen by the implementation, for example simple sequence numbers or something more elaborate.

]Just imagine if a PhD candidate wasn't required to do a literature survey as part of her dissertation work, but instead her advisor and thesis committee were required to approve her degree unless they and their TAs could affirmatively demonstrate that her research was insufficiently novel.

"The guy isn't writing a dissertation; this is lightweight pop-science from a fairly good writer and presenter, with a knack for inductive reasoning"Gladwell's angle is that he's done the heavy lifting and read those dissertations for you, in the end democratizing these counterintuitive tidbits of intellectual shortcuts that will allow everyone to understand the world better.

Dissertation definitions


a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research; usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree

See also: thesis