Appropriateness in a sentence as a noun

As far as Snowden articles go it is surely in the upper percentiles of HN-appropriateness.

"Right technology" as I'm sure you're aware, has as much to do with subjectivity as appropriateness.

I think the appropriateness is thoroughly and completely absent.

It meaningfully lowers the appropriateness of using python for server code.

Sure, but the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the particular charges isn't the issue.

Yes, Engineers too often stop at the correctness of the model, and refuse to make moral or aesthetic judgements about the adequacy or appropriateness of it.

Ditto on the appropriateness and efficacy of describing black/Hispanic female participation in tech as a function of "our" actions.

While its appropriateness is debatable, the answerer is the developer that wrote the code in CoffeeScript in the first place - and *that* may very well warrant a down vote in-and-of itself.

The broader applicability, appropriateness, and overall desirability of pair programming, Extreme Programming, and other agile methodologies, or any of the other implications thereof, are not addressed in this post.

Overgard:> if you think you have a better grip on funny and appropriatenessIf you find rape jokes funny, then yes: I and most people would believe that I have a better grip on appropriateness than you.> But is anyone welcome to try to ruin someone's reputation just because you happen to disagree on something as ephemeral as a one-off joke?It was a tweet.

The appropriateness and efficacy of these wishes, specific materializations of these wishes, and the way that they interact with other concerns involving the rule of law, the fundamental dignity and rights of Man, and the greater good of society... all of that is not addressed in this post, because the nature of crime and attitudes towards crime in America is a complicated topic and this post is short.

Carrying a lively conversation, possibly one with lots of laughter, actually involves paying a lot of attention: to the things people are saying, to their body language, to their feelings, to your own feelings, to the appropriateness of what you're saying, to the way that you're saying it, to thoughts that you have that you want to express but perhaps can't, and to the timing of things, particularly in the case of making jokes.

Appropriateness definitions


appropriate conduct; doing the right thing

See also: rightness


the quality of being specially suitable