Appointee in a sentence as a noun

It's a Schedule I drug, as declared by the DEA, an agency led by an appointee.

The director of the CIA is a political appointee not an uber spy.

You could work as a fundraiser for a political appointee, and they could get elected to office and change how the entire country works.

The head of the IRS is a Republican appointee, who if anything would be sympathetic to them from a political standpoint.

> Acquaintances state appointee and wife divorced over year ago and have no reason to question moral character of either.

Ortiz is an Obama Administration appointee who wants to run for the Massachusetts governorship.

The Executive branch is perfectly within it's rights to fire a political appointee at any time for any reason, but would have to show cause to terminate a civil servant.

You accused an accomplished political appointee of having a severe mental illness, suggesting it explains his legal analysis.

This antic \nreflects that the court approved a $7500 cash settlement in \nfavor of the appointee's ex-wife, giving her an automobile, furniture and objects of art, as well as $300 per month for two \nyears and $250 a month for a third year"

At the time, I thought it was "one scandal too many for an appointee" ... but as you note, the administration did allow others through, with Geithner as the head of the department that collects taxes being intergalacticly beyond the pale.

Perhaps Presidential-appointee salaries could be made equal to non-Presidential-appointees by opening up those positions to foreigners.

That quote omits the actual alleged "extreme cruelty":"...the appointee's wife was granted a divorce from him because of appointee's constantly working calculus problems in his head as soon as awake, while driving car, sitting in living room, and so forth, and that his one hobby was playing his African drums.

Real progress from the Supreme Court probably requires a new justice; the current pattern indicates that pragmatic Democratic appointee is much more likely to abolish software patents and a movement Republican appointee is most likely to definitively endorse them, but individual justices can always assert their own visions once appointed.

Appointee definitions


an official who is appointed


a person who is appointed to a job or position

See also: appointment