Apparel in a sentence as a noun

Sometimes it all seems like a bunch of highschool kids telling their parents that if they don't get these "cool" apparel items, they are not going to be popular anymore.

It's also a thrilling experience, so the customers will be pumped up on adrenalin, and more likely to be sold apparel afterwards.

If your engineering team is mainly "seasoned pros" you want to avoid american apparel altogether.

Take YC - if you're talking to the YCers about your startup it's just absurd to place importance on "businesslike" apparel or indeed anything other than your startup.

Apparel in a sentence as a verb

Did Groupon customers fall in line with normal % of customers buying apparel or did they differ?I can really see the value to both the customers and your business in running a Groupon.

> Nestle famous for chocolate, but which is the biggest food company in the world owns clothing brand DieselNot exactly, Diesel licenses their brand to Nestle to make perfume and has absolutely nothing to do with any of their apparel.

It was shortsighted for the media companies to try to take a sledgehammer to the Internet—since what they sell are inherently digital products for which it was inevitable that distribution would move to the Internet eventually—but apparel is a physical product that isn’t in any danger of having that happen.

Apparel definitions


clothing in general; "she was refined in her choice of apparel"; "he always bought his clothes at the same store"; "fastidious about his dress"

See also: dress clothes


provide with clothes or put clothes on; "Parents must feed and dress their child"