Indubitable in a sentence as an adjective

It is clear and indubitable that the people in question host hate speech.

It's indubitable that the nordic countries are well-run places.

It is indubitable that people should be judged by the totality of their actions, yet it is rarely so. I think at least some communities judge _why by the way he exited stage right in the middle of the play.

So students have massive issues!I believe that it is indubitable that the best way forward is to have an optional programming track added to high school education.

Now the best way they can accomplish this is to reject all their beliefs together in one go, as if they were all uncertain and false. They can then go over each belief in turn and re-adopt only those which they recognize to be true and indubitable.” --René Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy

> The best product that can be made will never be made with cross-platform toolingTrue or not, this is only relevant if it's indubitable that every app has to be 'the best product that can be made' in terms of platform-centric gold-plated polish.

I stopped reading after this: After all, several factors key to the concept have indubitable costs – garbage collection is a must I'm trying to avoid being snarky, but all I really want to point out that if one doesn't understand the benefits and drawbacks of GC's, perhaps your opinion on performance of FP might not be very accurate.

Indubitable definitions


too obvious to be doubted