Apathetic in a sentence as an adjective

If you convince Americans that this is as bad as it gets, they will become apathetic.

I'm apathetic, but please let's not start the trend of self-aware "downvote me" or "why the downvotes?

That seems unlikely with a complacent and apathetic populace.

If we wait for the mood, without endeavouring to meet it half-way, we easily become indolent and apathetic.

The general population is apathetic because their voices are so readily ignored by those in power, and special interest groups call the shots.

So unless your goal is to make a living in politics in one way or another, it is completely rational to be apathetic towards politics and put your focus somewhere else.

I'm apathetic about "social proof" in general because, in humans, sociality is inversely proportional to quality.

'Socially tolerant' or 'socially laissez-faire' are probably better terms than 'socially apathetic'.Schwarzenegger was.

Disregard the concerns raised as those of a vocal minority, while the overwhelming majority of their users are apathetic about Rice's appointment; refuse to legitimize the concerns by publicly acknowledging them and wait for the whole thing to blow over;2.

Are you personally currently environmentally apathetic because you know China is shoving as much burned coal into the air as they can?Are you personally currently environmentally apathetic because you know somewhere there are some unspoiled mountain lakes that are still hardly touched by the hand of man?Are you personally unconcerned about the possibility of your home being nuked because thank goodness Alaska will probably survive?You hypothesize a very bizarrely precise self-interest that very suddenly gives way to complete wild suicidal abandon at a very precise point.

Apathetic definitions


showing little or no emotion or animation; "a woman who became active rather than apathetic as she grew older"


marked by a lack of interest; "an apathetic audience"; "the universe is neither hostile nor friendly; it is simply indifferent"

See also: indifferent