Aorta in a sentence as a noun

If that's anything like aorta me please shout details

But I don't pretend to be a surgeon and perforate a patient's aorta.

The doctors get our report and call and say, ‘But there can’t be a lacerated aorta.

You sense the CO2 level, using acidity sensors in your aorta.

In addition my ascending aorta, the big arched tube that is the subject of the above article, was stretching in the manner described.

If you go that far, there is no property without government - you don't even have more right to your heart or aorta then any other person or animal trying to claim them.

The way she describes it they open you up and cut your abdominal aorta, at which point the anesthesiologist leaves the room because you are fully dead.

It's much easier to pass a small tube up the aorta and inflate the narrowed artery from the inside than it is to open up the chest and sew a new blood vessel onto the heart.

The aorta, inferior vena cava, kidneys and parts of the duodenum, pancreas and ****** are all retroperitoneal.

Even the first diagram gives the impression that the nerve comes down from the brain in a single sealed bundle like a pipe, loops around the aorta, then heads straight for the larynx without interruption.

I'm reminded of Tal Golesworthy, an engineer who did a TED talk or two about how he collaborated with his doctors to design a cardiac implant that fixed his dilated aorta.

It was a surprise to me when I learned it on a motorbike safety course, but it's useful to know that an impact with a solid object at 35mph is only 50% survivable - a blow to the torso at that speed will tear the aorta.

"Open Heart Surgery" is a term for a variety of surgical procedures done on the heart, including valve replacement, vascular repairs of the aorta/vena cava/pulmonary vessels, and coronary bypass.

Aorta definitions


the large trunk artery that carries blood from the left ventricle of the heart to branch arteries