Anthelmintic in a sentence as a noun

It's a broad spectrum anthelmintic that retails for a few cents in most parts of the world.

So why in US you can't buy anthelmintic ***** over the counter, without prescription.

You'll find albendazole and other anthelmintics for about $10/pack.

Anthelmintic in a sentence as an adjective

It describes how "Dried leaves, stalks and the whole herb of tobacco are widely used as an anti inflammatory, antirheumatic and anthelmintic agent" and cites other papers which use nicotine extracts.

Aside from usage in many other beasts beyond dogs, ivermectin has a fairly wide and possibly growing range of applications, eg used externally to treat rosacea, internally for river blindness, etc. It has anthelmintic effects on many roundworms, but not flatworms.

Anthelmintic definitions


a medication capable of causing the evacuation of parasitic intestinal worms

See also: vermifuge anthelminthic helminthic


capable of expelling or destroying parasitic worms

See also: anthelminthic helminthic parasiticidal