Anomie in a sentence as a noun

Likely we'd see a whole lot of anomie and disassociation.

In a lot of ways I think modern Internet culture is a reaction, not a cause, of our social atomization and anomie.

We embrace isolation and anomie as we have more disposable income.

The monied interests arguably have incentive to perpetuate sprawl & anomie.

> The triple scourges of drug abuse, mental illness and family breakdown have produced anomie and derangements far deeper than those seen in the 1930sCompletely unsourced nonsense.

Blame the "other": migrants, homeless, minorities, Jews, Muslims, gypsies, gays and other such scapegoats for one's current situation and angsty anomie.

Industrialization and urbanization both create a feeling of what Max Weber termed "anomie.

The powerlessness and anomie are what make the mid-level investment bankers and "white shoe" attorneys miserable, not the fact of being merely rich instead of super-rich.

Welcome to the wonderful globalised utopia of 2019 in which shared culture has been deliberately destroyed and genuine, wholesome, worthwhile, spiritually nourishing experiences and a sense of community are replaced with empty consumerism and anomie.

'Accessibility, affordability, advertising, anonymity and anomie, are the five cylinders of the engine of mass addiction'Um Another way to view... Let us take a quick look at a utopian idea: 'Does the government guarants me, that gains come without additional costs ?

Plus, there's American hyper-individualism and anomie of discontent and hopelessness that's degrading the society from a network of communities into a Kafkaesque Lord of the Flies, anarcho-vulture-capitalist nightmare.

He believed that anomie is common when the surrounding society has undergone significant changes in its economic fortunes, whether for better or for worse and, more generally, when there is a significant discrepancy between the ideological theories and values commonly professed and what was actually achievable in everyday life.

Anomie definitions


personal state of isolation and anxiety resulting from a lack of social control and regulation

See also: anomy


lack of moral standards in a society

See also: anomy