Anoint in a sentence as a verb

> I get really annoyed when I see sites like this that anoint winners.

Of, say, British, Australian, and US english, which would you anoint as the master form?

It's not like, a group of elites decided one fine day "OK, today we anoint Asians"

In an almost holy way, we anoint the winner and assign to them a minor god-like status.

There exists more than two possible courses of action and thus we can't simply anoint one as right and the other as wrong, they could in fact both be wrong.

Lets not anoint Mayer until she does something more than just faffing about and weakening user experience.

"The point of A/B testing isn't to anoint someone as the local genius on design and conversion optimization.

The OSF was self-appointed to anoint the successor to BSD that was supposed to become The Unix next, as opposed to letting AT&T and Sun figure that out.

But I don't get the strange tangent on Google+ why would anyone expect Apple to anoint the social network of a competitor which isn't even that popular?

For Rails to anoint one particular “more complex” architecture…is to fail anyone else who doesn’t need that architecture or would need something different.

"Business schools espouse the same kind of inner-circle-ism: anoint the inexperienced, give them access, and tell them they are special and they will be under your control.

Well, Apple has been funding a lot of the development of MacRuby, possibly as an exploration of what it would take to anoint a popular scripting languages as a "nicer" alternative to Objective-C.

Maybe if they want to turn it into corporate IP telephone to compete with Cisco, but if they shut Mac users out they're just asking for immediate irrelevance among the home/hipster/startup crowd which will quickly anoint a successor.

Anoint definitions


choose by or as if by divine intervention; "She was anointed the head of the Christian fundamentalist group"


administer an oil or ointment to ; often in a religious ceremony of blessing

See also: inunct anele embrocate