Corpulent in a sentence as an adjective

Pair those with versions of the practices that big companies will be too corpulent to implement, and let's have another go!

If the Congress is corrupt, than the state legislatures are a corpulent sewer of corruption and graft.

Newspapers had grown complacent and corpulent and were content to rest on their laurels, There never was a golden age of journalism.

And we haven't even taken into account the evil, corpulent morass that is the world of academic bureaucracy.

Numerous wagons she tugs down the track: Iron and steel monsters hitched up to her back, All filled with people and other things too: The first carries cattle, then horses not few; The third car with corpulent people is filled, Eating fat frankfurters all freshly grilled.

Corpulent definitions


excessively fat; "a weighty man"

See also: obese weighty rotund