Angiography in a sentence as a noun

Lots of angiography in the sample images, so is the trial comparing this to cath?

And with our stuff we can do 3D scans in high resolution and even markerless angiography.

The $47,000 was the average cost for the angiography so just finding out what was wrong with the heart -- that was what cost her $254 in India.

I had no idea angiography could be an elective procedure with no symptoms present.

CT scanners have higher spacial resolution for angiography.

I agree, something to think about, but the very first hit on Google for "elective angiography" was an article discussing whether it is over-used due to the dangers including significant radiation. :/Where are my darn nano-mites!

You dislike all of humanity because people sometimes make simple typos like angiopathy to angiography?

A quick google of CT or cathlab angiography images will show examples vastly superior that were obtained on beating hearts in live patients - rather more difficult than direct injection into a dead, removed heart.

Naah, they merely looked at Apple Watch graphs and skipped more noninvasive diagnostics directly to invasive diagnostic procedure - aka catheterization aka angiography.

"four exhibited some degree of cerebral amyloid angiography"Wow. Neural tissue spontaneously developing its own angiography.

Angiography definitions


roentgenographic examination of blood vessels after injection of a radiopaque contrast medium; produces an angiogram