Ananas in a sentence as a noun

In Spanish is PiƱa and in Portuguese is Abacaxi, but a good amount of laguanges does call it ananas

Fun fact: Only the English language calls the fruit "pineapple", almost every other language calls it "ananas" or similar.

Interesting enough both ananas here and Alteryx use a declarative approach.

Along similar lines, I think it would behoove us English speakers to change the word "pineapple" to the word that's nearly universal in other languages: ananas.

"Ok, so I think my password is something like ILoveBananas123, but I can't remember if it was like or love, or if the numbers came first or second, or where the capitalizations were... oh dang I'm screwed"-Not anymore!

Ananas definitions


a genus of tropical American plants have sword-shaped leaves and a fleshy compound fruits composed of the fruits of several flowers (such as pineapples)

See also: Ananas


large sweet fleshy tropical fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely cultivated

See also: pineapple