Ahead in a sentence as an adjective

If you're a programmer, your prime is still 20 years ahead of you.

You could ask for some advice from the girl ahead of you in line at the supermarket.

He played his cards right, came out hundreds of millions of dollars ahead, and then he got out.

Netflix probably tried to focus on streaming and stay ahead in the game.

I think it's a brilliant move that shows Google thinking ahead and beyond what Dropbox is doing.

He presumably has numbers that show that Quora ends up net ahead if they force people to create accounts to read answers.

" [1]Plus, Michael's quote from the announcement, "I now fully expect to spend the rest of my career pushing VR as far ahead as I can.

Ahead in a sentence as an adverb

Based on prior knowledge of this machine, I'm issuing one prefetch 512B ahead per 128B double-cacheline.

You've got a lifetime of shipping successful software businesses ahead of you, regardless of what happens in the next short while.

And I'm still frustrated that I can't go faster, and I rock in my seat every time I move ahead a little as if trying to propel the car forward.

As usual, Stallman was not only ahead of his time, but also swimming against the tide of conventional wisdom, immediately after the attacks of 9/11.

Broder's being vague in his wordings - he phrases it as if they approved him to unplug when they might have just said to plug it in for about an hour when they were trying to find him the plugin station ahead of time.

He's just being obstinate here.- It's laughable to say that the Tesla fell short of its projected range when the projected range was from the day before, before not plugging it in on a cold night.- Tesla and Broder directly contradict each other on whether they gave him the go-ahead to stop charging after an hour in Norwich.

Ahead definitions


having the leading position or higher score in a contest; "he is ahead by a pawn"; "the leading team in the pennant race"

See also: leading


at or in the front; "I see the lights of a town ahead"; "the road ahead is foggy"; "staring straight ahead"; "we couldn't see over the heads of the people in front"; "with the cross of Jesus marching on before"

See also: before


toward the future; forward in time; "I like to look ahead in imagination to what the future may bring"; "I look forward to seeing you"

See also: forward


in a forward direction; "go ahead"; "the train moved ahead slowly"; "the boat lurched ahead"; "moved onward into the forest"; "they went slowly forward in the mud"

See also: onward onwards forward forwards forrader


ahead of time; in anticipation; "when you pay ahead (or in advance) you receive a discount"; "We like to plan ahead"; "should have made reservations beforehand"

See also: beforehand


to a more advanced or advantageous position; "a young man sure to get ahead"; "pushing talented students ahead"


to a different or a more advanced time (meaning advanced either toward the present or toward the future); "moved the appointment ahead from Tuesday to Monday"; "pushed the deadline ahead from Tuesday to Wednesday"


leading or ahead in a competition; "the horse was three lengths ahead going into the home stretch"; "ahead by two pawns"; "our candidate is in the lead in the polls"; "way out front in the race"; "the advertising campaign put them out front in sales"