Agree in a sentence as a verb

I'm not saying you should agree with that logic, but it is logic that is often used.

I agree that Adria went too far in publicly Tweeting and "name and shaming" these guys.

Are we so timid and flammable that we can't handle a complex opinion that we don't agree with?

I agree that this is poor planning on my part, however, I'm 35 and no one expects to find out that they are going to die at 35.

If we can't agree on the fact that I am American and should have basic rights, then we have nothing to talk about.

I agree that he will probably not be remembered for having more than doubled revenue and almost tripled profits.

I replied that I was promised that I would not have to agree to such a clause, and she told me that it was mandatory, so I could take it or leave it.

I specifically asked if there was a "we own everything you make" clause in the employment agreement, but I was assured there was not.

I agree with the author on point 4 but I don't think more options are the answer, I should have just asked for a higher salary I would have been better off.

If there were an asterisk attached that said, "...but only if people agree in retrospect that you deserve the money," nobody would accept them as payment.

The disagreement and the "fray" are part of the choreographed propaganda undertaken by powerful interests to create the illusion of dissent.

This falls under the umbrella of cultural fit, which is of course important, but don't mistake that for engineering skill.- I think we can all agree that "logic" puzzles like "how would you move Mount Fuji?

We respect that you might not agree with this, but don't feel the need to spend additional resources paying for our computer programmers, underwriters, lawyers, and accountants to give you an expensive education in the realities of e-commerce on our nickel.

If you genuinely feel that Wikileaks is as bad as Al Qaeda and Hamas and the alikes, then I'll understand if you disagree with me, although even then I hope you agree that it should've been a government decree, and not banks solo-piloting their sense of morality.

Given that this will likely trigger an audit and potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars of fines for you, how about we just agree to give my client what he has coming to him, and you report an inadvertent paperwork screwup to the tax authority when you pay your fair share?

> "Facebook creeps me out."Whether or not you agree with his decision, having Notch pull away from talks with you creates an instant credibility "situation".It's also noteable that Notch had been meeting with the Oculus team just two weeks ago[0], was tweeting about them in rather gushing terms[1] and seemed incredibly inspired to work on VR ideas[2].He is now the personification of the a near universal feeling of betrayal in the community.

Agree definitions


be in accord; be in agreement; "We agreed on the terms of the settlement"; "I can't agree with you!"; "I hold with those who say life is sacred"; "Both philosophers concord on this point"

See also: hold concur concord


consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something; "She agreed to all my conditions"; "He agreed to leave her alone"


be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories don't agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun"

See also: match correspond check jibe gibe tally


go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded"

See also: harmonize harmonise consort accord concord


show grammatical agreement; "Subjects and verbs must always agree in English"


be agreeable or suitable; "White wine doesn't agree with me"


achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose; "No two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman"