Aggression in a sentence as a noun

And boy can smart people like hackers be incredibly good at passive aggression.

A bug in code, no matter how bad, doesn't compare to an act of aggression aimed at a specific party.

" You mean to say that a workers' occupation is an act of aggression or force, if I understand correctly.

Such a true non-aggression pact would be interesting, if it did not run afoul of antitrust coordination concerns.

For these dogmatics the mere existence of faith or religion of any kind is really appalling and a cause for anger and aggression.

The administrations' style is one of intimidation and aggression.

The stance your describing above is actually a deontological ethics which takes aggression and coercion as its principal 'bad acts.

Fight the real enemy, and fight it with all means necessary - may those be alternative licenses, spreading the word, piracy, or straight out aggression[1].

No-knock aggression should be reserved for situations where there's a very very strong expectation of violent resistance and that's it.

Other baseless claims: that women are hard-wired to read faces and tone of voice, to defuse conflict, and to form deep friendships; and that "girls' brains are wired for communication and boys' for aggression.

The internet did not overreact, it was Canonical that acted with disproportionate aggression.

Only when Yanukovych decided to forbid peaceful protest in general the aggression from protesters started.

There is a certain type of person who managed to skip the draft for themselves, and then proceeded to become overly supportive of the military and military aggression.

So an informal non-aggression pact is nice, but absolutely no automobile manufacturer would rely on that when a new car costs a significant fraction of a billion dollars to bring to market.

- henrikschroderSocial responsibility for a business is to provide goods to the public through voluntary exchange while adhering to the non-aggression principle.

One tip for the author of this piece: Snowden leaks enabling child pornographers to avoid surveillance would be a much more effective appeal to emotion than a topical example like renewed fears of Russian aggression that risk fading from the zeitgeist soon!

Aggression definitions


a disposition to behave aggressively


a feeling of hostility that arouses thoughts of attack

See also: aggressiveness


violent action that is hostile and usually unprovoked

See also: hostility


the act of initiating hostilities


deliberately unfriendly behavior