After in a sentence as an adjective

Here is a lesson I've learned the long, hard way after 30 years of being a strong introvert: it's not how or where you meet people that counts. It's how you stay in touch.

If it's been downgraded, I know to be on guard for bean-counters coming after my relationship with them.

Culture **** after work? That's just more indoctrination.

I just can't imagine a small record store in the 1960s, after being caught spying through the bedroom windows of its customers, ever staying in business. I feel terrible for anyone caught in this.

Most people in the world will, after all, not be like you, and you'll end up not working for approximately all companies in the industry. That's OK. You've already got the day blocked off in your calendar.

When the request would come in, it would typically be ~30s to 1m after the actual strike. I would yell at an airman that would get up his chair, walk to the center map and with his rule, measure the distance in miles between the hospital landing pad and the strike.

After in a sentence as an adverb

Draw the pretty colored lines after you grok the concept. It goes downhill for me as they try to get more technical, redefining the way the encyclopedia is edited and organized.

And then you send me ******* developer feedback polls year after year, which you seemingly throw in the trash, because every single Android dev I know tells you the same damn thing, let us sell apps, everything else is irrelevant. Wake the **** up Google.

Another option would be to apply the endorsement system only after threads have reached a certain age so as to jump-start discussions. Additionally, I would recommend that authors of a parent post should be able to see all child posts regardless of their karma.

Programmers are, after all, trained and skilled in following the logic of their program. But in languages without bounds checks, that logic can fall away as the computer starts reading or executing raw memory, which is no longer connected to specific variables or lines of code in your program.

Things were shipped that should have never been shipped > Things with known, embarrassing bugs that could cause data problems were in "stable" releases--and often we weren't told about these issues until after they bit us, and then only b/c we had a super duper crazy platinum support contract with 10gen. There is no crazy platinum contract and every issue we every find is put into the public jira.

It allowed him to "split the vote" with audience reactions, getting people who probably have serious misgivings about NSA programs to applaud his calm and graceful handling of shouted insults; many of those people probably applauded simply to protest the hecklers, who after all were making it harder for them to follow what Alexander was trying to say. There was no serious Q&A on offer at the keynote.

Proper Noun Examples for After

[3] After I left, and after my team was literally decimated by the hostile environment created by our boss, I found out he got promoted! Yep, now he's managing managers.

After definitions


located farther aft


happening at a time subsequent to a reference time; "he apologized subsequently"; "he's going to the store but he'll be back here later"; "it didn't happen until afterward"; "two hours after that"

See also: subsequently later afterwards afterward


behind or in the rear; "and Jill came tumbling after"