Adipose in a sentence as an adjective

" So they equate calories from fat being converted directly to adipose tissue.

I realize it was targeting adipose fat, but that is still disconcerting until proven otherwise.

Thus you will have a large amount of fatty acids lying around which your body will go ahead and form into droplets to be stored in adipose tissue.

Leptin controls appetite and can act as an indication of overall adipose levels.

We all know fat is bad, and I wish I had less of it, but it's not like my adipose is going to go away by scaring it with more bad news about why it sucks to be fat.

Sure, there are genetic factors that predispose a person to insulin resistance, but the dominant factor is adipose tissue.

"Sitting for more than 1 hour has been shown to induce biochemical changes ... leads to the deposit of fats in adipose tissue rather than these being metabolized by muscle, ... heart disease risks".

Funny that this has 8 upvotes even though the currently linked article, "Temperature-acclimated brown adipose tissue modulates insulin sensitivity in humans", has nothing to do with the title.

The laws of thermodynamics don't preclude engines that either leak fuel or are fantastically inefficient in converting them to any particular form whether it be locomotion, electricity, or adipose tissue.

Adipose definitions


composed of animal fat; "adipose tissue constitutes the fat of meat"