Activist in a sentence as a noun

Google did not mark the labour camps, a human rights activist made a map of the labour camps with Google Earth.

But I wish people would see this case for what it is - a volatile activist who pulled a stunt that spiraled out of control.

The wired article makes it sound like the girl was a political activist trying to force a change in the school lunch program.

Apparently reporting on the US government makes you an activist these days.

It's highly unlikely he'd be facing these charges if he wasn't an activist that embarrassed the police.

I only know about it because I know some of the people involved and follow activist-oriented news sources.

For a class-minded political activist this screams evil.

I'm very sorry if I'm the first person to break this to you, but if you're an activist targeting the USG, your adversary isn't stupid.

Activist in a sentence as an adjective

When your whole company is an activist platform, it's a bit harder to say that political positions of the CEO don't matter.

I will miss Aaron more than I can say -- he was a great guy, an excellent developer, and one **** of an activist -- but a pardon does not do anything valuable.

He then floated around, wrote a few minor libraries and some more interesting blog posts, and then became a very good activist worthy of deeper respect on that front.

And both sides of the aisle have been to blame for this: from the right's talk of activist judges to Obama's physically menacing over the Justices during his state of the union.

It includes charging activists with laws intended for violent terrorists, so that arrest is no longer a minor inconvenience, but a life-altering event.

"[1] Let's see them give the token opposing community activist on page 4 the same photography treatment instead of photographing him on the margins of the frame so he looks even more obese and distended.

Federal prosectors added nine new felony counts against well-known coder and activist Aaron Swartz, who was charged last year for allegedly breaching hacking laws by downloading millions of academic articles from a subscription database via an open connection at MIT. Ortiz today: Ultimately, any sentence imposed would have been up to the judge.

Activist definitions


a militant reformer

See also: militant


advocating or engaged in activism

See also: activistic