Acidity in a sentence as a noun

How to get coffee without bitterness or acidity on the cheap!

If you did, edit out the acidity until your comment is neutral; or simply delete it.

It's fine if you're talking about different kinds of memory access or the acidity of some lake due to acid rain.

Having us treat the rest of the animal kingdom poorly, burn lots of fossil fuels, change the acidity of the ocean, and pollute the air?

A solidly brewed quality coffee can produce the same effects and should have minimal bitterness or acidity.

Inflammation is rooted in acidity and promotes infection.

The Cartesian experiments were something like a litmus test for acidity: they sought to determine whether an object has a certain property, in this case, possession of mind, one aspect of the world.

Increased acidity dissolves the calcium carbonate skeletons that form the structure of reefs, and increasing temperatures lead to bleaching where the corals lose symbiotic algae they rely on.

I have seen articles linking anti-biotic resistance and biofilms to high acidity and seen research that biofilms can be broken up and anti-biotic resistance reversed if acidity is addressed.

The evidence sounds a bit weak - as I understand the paper summary they collected a bunch of snails just the one time in 2011 and found a correlation between shell damage and the concentration on aragonite in the water which is a form of calcium carbonate of which the concentration presumably varies with acidity.

Acidity definitions


the property of being acidic

See also: sourness sour


the taste experience when something acidic is taken into the mouth

See also: acidulousness


pH values below 7