Acerbate in a sentence as a verb

With all the existing issues with abuse on twitter won't this just acerbate the problem?

> For base 60, this is exacerbatedSorry to nitpick, but "exacerbate" is to make worse.

That lead to disappointment all around, which was acerbated by the now dated look of the project, due to the long dev time of a Fan game.

The only party who has anything to gain from continuing with the economic policies which acerbate climate change are the owners of fossil fuel sources.

The weird quirks are acerbated by Arbitration clauses designed to keep disagreements from ever going to court and instead being handled by "closed door, opaque third party negotiators".

Obviously ego and/or misunderstanding can acerbate this issue, but ultimately, it's the focus on the cap number that introduces many of the complications of a priced round.

Automatic trading based on Black-Scholes acerbated the crash != the Black Scholes model contributed to the crashUnrelatedly, is there anything wrong with, say, a mortgage-backed security accurately priced according to a particular model, so long as the limitations of the particular model's assumptions are properly understood?

Acerbate definitions


cause to be bitter or resentful; "These injustices embittered her even more"

See also: embitter envenom


make sour or bitter