Acceptation in a sentence as a noun

Sure, but you'll agree that's not the common acceptation.

Yes, users acceptation is a really big deal.

I don't think that acceptation is enough to make your life better, just a little less miserable.

And taxing air travel is a big deal for the social acceptation of other taxations for the masses.

Would it be fair to say that this might cause acceptation in the shift from on prem to the public cloud, where there are performance guarantees?

“ There is no way I want the end user to feel spied on by the tool, that would totally **** the acceptation in the market.”Are you selling to the actual user?

And now you're ability to exclude reviewers is a significant factor in the acceptation of your paper... Not sure if this is really what we should whish for.

It's generally not a good idea to use it to discover the "true" meaning of a word, whatever quality that "true" meaning would have over the common acceptation.

Success as defined by society isn't always what smart people aspire to.``Thus is happened he became neither musician nor poet - - if we use this latter term in its every-day acceptation.

We are left with the colloquial acceptation of "war" which certainly includes the conflicts with Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, but probably not Cuba and Venezuela.

That you expound your claim with adornment and superfluous grammar obfuscates your intent to purport and diseminate the acceptation of your supposition....In other words, no one knows what you are talking about.

"em-bras-ser" this means "take in arms".Strictly speaking, that's still what it means, but if you ask anyone what "embrasser" means, he will tell you it means "to kiss".Amusingly enough you made me realize the split between the literal meaning of the word and its current acceptation.

Most Bitcoin supporters agree that there are only two possibilities in the long run: either a fundamental flaw in the Bitcoin code or economics is discovered and the value drops down all the way to zero; or Bitcoin reaches a point of global acceptation causing the value to reach way, way above 200$.For someone who leans towards the second outcome, they see the recent rise as a 'correction towards the true value' rather than a bubble.

Acceptation definitions


acceptance as true or valid


the accepted meaning of a word


the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception; "its adoption by society"; "the proposal found wide acceptance"

See also: adoption acceptance espousal