Absolution in a sentence as a noun

I'm sure not, and that's easy to say, but you never know how things go and you can't promise with absolution that nothing will change.

"Of course a complete apology feels good, it provides absolution.

I say this because, as Italian, I've seen way too many processes ended in first degree with a condemnation, and later on, in the second and third grade, ended with an absolution.

But having some sort of filtering mechanism where we can sort by hierarchy, activity, most recent commit, and others would be absolution that makes everyone happy.

Nowadays one can disagree vehemently with a leader just as before, but simply stop using a service related to them to help with some passive aggressive need of absolution from the shame you somehow internalized!

Even corporations themselves are a compromise of free market principles: pure capitalism has no absolution of individual responsibility.

I do so very much enjoy the posts that say "Joe is an absolute *******, pig and chauvinist and should be led out to the shed and shot, but Justine xyz...".It says a lot about society that in order for anyone to criticize a woman, one must first seek absolution by criticizing the man first, and harsher, than the woman.

Also in the news this week is what Apple plans to do with their massive profit margins-- surely one possibility is that they could ensure that the people who actually make Apple products are treated humanely.> What is unfortunate, and hopefully going to change is that some corporations are not interested in human rights, but instead their bottom line - which is understandable, as they have shareholders etc...This is likewise fascinating-- the implication that corporations imply not only legal, but moral absolution.

Absolution definitions


the condition of being formally forgiven by a priest in the sacrament of penance


the act of absolving or remitting; formal redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance

See also: remission remittal