Abattoir in a sentence as a noun

Why not dead chickens, or runoff from an abattoir?

A meat processor pays for a trained AMS meat grader to grade whole carcasses at the abattoir.

Though you may find getting them to the abattoir and then to the butcher somewhat expensive.

If you wanted to build an abattoir, or a factory, on the property your house is on, that would be allowed?

I already checked with a local butcher and got the details about sourcing blood from their partner abattoir.

There are a lot of care issues too, which are more interesting to me having a farming background and not an abattoir background.

Imagine you owned a home and somebody wanted to put a nightclub on one side of you and an abattoir on the other.

Or their office is just located in a haunted old sawmill that was previously attached to an abattoir.

Speaking in terms of political ideologies, the take-home lesson of the abattoir that was the 20th century is that putting one's faith in a political ideology of any kind is asking for trouble.

In this context that word calls to mind this passage from ItBwtCL:...during this century, intellectualism failed, and everyone knows it. In places like Russia and Germany, the common people agreed to loosen their grip on traditional folkways, mores, and religion, and let the intellectuals run with the ball, and they screwed everything up and turned the century into an abattoir.

If their life up to that point was in a caring and respectful environment, and they are humanely killed, what's the problem?We regularly sent our cattle to the abattoir, and it didn't stop them being happy cows that got hugs and shoulder scratches...

In places like Russia and Germany, the common people agreed to loosen their grip on traditional folkways, mores, and religion, and let the intellectuals run with the ball, and they screwed everything up and turned the century into an abattoir.

Your experience is completely at odds with my own, I've always found senior management, politicians, and the wealthy to be very approachable and friendly, this even includes my teenage job at a rural Waikato abattoir stuffing pig colons into bags in the offal room.

Is it really more humane to send a couple of axe-wielding Bobs to the office, set them up in one or two rooms, and then steadily parade people in and out over the course of a day, the rest of the team trembling and gossiping and worrying about when and whether their turns will come up, their eyes locked on every colleague and friend to slink back to his desk from the abattoir?Think about that at 1,000-person-layoff scale.

Abattoir definitions


a building where animals are butchered

See also: butchery shambles slaughterhouse