Revelation in a sentence as a noun

It was really a revelation to me when I joined a large organization for the first time.

"I saw the question on Reddit after a different revelation last month.

Maybe it's just the way I'm wired, but this was a nonobvious and nontrivial revelation to me.

And China is widely believed to have stolen nuclear secrets [1].But this revelation goes the other way. I really can't predict how China will take this.

This revelation proves Wikileaks is stil alive and relevant.

Instead, the revelation of this data might actually be the insight that "pictures of yourself at social events makes you look more social.

There has been no revelation, unless Taren or one of her peers was at the hearing and learned something different than the Huffington Post.

After finally being convinced that this isn't a joke, I had a horrible revelation:If Trello came with all of that by default, I would pay just as much to make it go away.

You may not realize it, or value this revelation, but the issues we are discussing regarding the NSA, Snowden and the electronic spying is of critical importance.

As I was lying on an MIT couch the next day trying to recover, I had an entirely unexpected revelation: the 4-dimensional lower bound could be proved by a series of reductions from lopsided set disjointness!

I would not under almost any circumstances, including the revelation that he was working directly with the FSB† when he decided what to leak, use the word "traitor" to describe a national security leaker.

As sperm travels in this coated tube, the ionic attraction causes damage on a cellular level in the sperm, the pull effect effectively destroying the sperm "tail" and preventing it from fertilizing a female but without hormonal/medical methods!For me, as an engineer, this was a true revelation.

Revelation definitions


the speech act of making something evident

See also: disclosure revealing


an enlightening or astonishing disclosure


communication of knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency


the last book of the New Testament; contains visionary descriptions of heaven and of conflicts between good and evil and of the end of the world; attributed to Saint John the Apostle

See also: Revelation Apocalypse