Negro in a sentence as a noun

"That owner who is doing things "en negro" hurts the rest of the country and should be fined accordingly".

Or perhaps I should rather say that whether it has such just application depends on whether a negro is not or is a man.

But if the negro is a man, is not to that extent, a destruction of self-government, to say that he too shall not govern himself?

Confederate cotton farmers could be a pioneer of better living and working conditions for negros I'd never know it.

Ironically, one of the biggest "en negro"-hiring branches of the federal government is the Labour Ministry.

Negro in a sentence as an adjective

It turns out that they pay their people "en negro" - that means the official inflation group for the country doesn't pay their taxes - they hand cash to their employees and don't report it - or report a small amount and pay a lot more 'under the table'.

Terrorist is todays communist, or yesteryears fascist, eugenicist, ***, negro, etc. Blanket arbitrary term to apply to dissenters you want to control and treat inhumanely, and society doesn't judge you for it because they are the "enemy" or "other".

I suppose you're also not surprised by this, since you must already know the government to be the biggest everything in Argentina :PHiring "en negro" or under precarious conditions is not only terrible because of tax evading, in this case they would only be cheating themselves.

If the negro is a man, why then my ancient faith teaches me that all men are created equal,' and that there can be no moral right in connection with one man's making a slave of another...What I do say is, that no man is good enough to govern another man, without the other's consent.> Allow all the governed an equal voice in the government, and that and that only is self-government...Near eighty years ago we began by declaring that all men are created equal; but now from that beginning we have run down to the other declaration, that for some men to enslave others is a sacred right of self-government.

Negro definitions


a person with dark skin who comes from Africa (or whose ancestors came from Africa)

See also: Black blackamoor Negro Negroid


relating to or characteristic of or being a member of the traditional racial division of mankind having brown to black pigmentation and tightly curled hair